It might be going abroad for a high school field trip, volunteering on a church mission trip, or participating in a State Department-sponsored program. You can find a lot of fun programs to see the world and gain new experiences!
Youth with disabilities use these international experiences to help build important skills that make them more competitive for post-secondary employment and education opportunities.
Additionally, participation in international exchange can lead to:
- Increased independence, adaptability and flexibility
- Developing more real-world problem solving skills
- Connecting classroom lessons to real-life experiences
- Understanding diverse cultures
- Picking up a second (or even a third) language
- Learning valuable independent living skills
- Standing out on resumes and applications
- Stepping outside traditional comfort zones
- Gaining confidence
Start researching high school programs using the Related Links section.
In the next section we discuss college programs. Feel free to read if this applies to you or you are just curious. You can also skip ahead to the next resource.
Previous: An Overview of the Education Abroad Field: Understanding What’s Out There |
Next: College/University Programs |