Mobility International USA (MIUSA) partners with organization through a variety of ways including memberships, alliances, subawards, joint projects, MOUs, and more. Our partnerships include both formal and informal relationships.
We believe strongly in the power of partnerships. Learn about our partners, networks and collaborations.
We are creating bridges between organizations to ensure that people with disabilities are an integral and vital force in international exchange and international development. Engage with us through partnerships, projects, trainings and programs to advance the rights of people with disabilities globally. Have a partnership idea? Contact us!

Alliance of International Youth Development (AIYD)
MIUSA serves as a resource to this vibrant AIYD alliance, a community of practice and advocacy platform of 24 leading U.S.-based youth and community development organizations in partnership with InterAction, by providing information and webinars on the inclusion of youth with disabilities worldwide.

As a Senior Ashoka fellow, MIUSA’s CEO leverages networks with hundreds of Ashoka fellows throughout the world; Ashoka recognizes leading social entrepreneurs who have innovative solutions to social problems and the potential to change patterns across society.

City of Eugene
MIUSA’s partnership with the City of Eugene leverages the city’s innovative programs, such as river rafting and Outdoor Ropes Challenge Course, to introduce activities to delegates from around the world who participate in MIUSA’S programs.

Institute of International Education (IIE)
As part of IIE’s Generation Study Abroad initiative, MIUSA joins hundreds of other commitment partners to make increasing diversity a major platform in its call to action; to work not only on increasing the numbers studying abroad but also in changing the perception of study abroad.

Since 1997, we have been an active member of InterAction, the largest alliance of U.S.-based NGOs, and founding and co-leading its Disability Working Group, creating disability standards and implementing the Disability Inclusion Award.

Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance
As a fellow and awardee, MIUSA’s CEO is connected to 1,300 Kellogg Fellows from across the world to leave a significant legacy as a result of having participated in leadership development programs through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

MacArthur Foundation
As a MacArthur fellow, MIUSA’s CEO joins other prestigious fellows recognized through the “genius” award, which provides unrestricted fellowships to talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.

Rotary International
MIUSA’s CEO is a Rotarian and Rotary Scholar who received the Rotary Alumni Achievement award. Utilizing the network of over 1.2 million Rotarians throughout the world, MIUSA encourages our alumni to become Rotarians and to partner with clubs on projects to enhance the lives of people with disabilities.
Leading international exchange and U.S. disability organizations serve as an advisory board to the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange, a project sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by MIUSA. The goal? To share practices for increasing disability diversity and access in the broad range of international exchange programs.

U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD)
As a long-time member of USICD, a federation of US-based non-governmental organizations, federal agencies, and individuals committed to advocacy and action on behalf of the global disability rights agenda, MIUSA collaborates with USICD on shared UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities efforts and global disablity rights resources.

UNICEF, the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPcwd)
MIUSA co-chairs the UNICEF Task Force on Leadership & Mentoring for Children and Young Women with disabilities.
United Nations
In 2014, MIUSA was granted Special Consultative Status to the United Nations. As experts in the areas of international disability rights and disability inclusion, MIUSA can provide advice and expert analysis, submit written statements to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and designate official representatives to participate in events, conferences and activities of the United Nations.

University of Oregon
For more than 10 years, MIUSA has taught a course on Global Perspectives on Disability to undergraduates and graduates though the International Studies and Special Education departments

World Learning
MIUSA works collaboratively with World Learning, a nonprofit organization advancing leadership in more than 60 countries, to increase opportunities for people with disabilities in a broad range of international programs and opportunities.